Day Here, Night There… (Writing)

I gave Buzz a list of questions and 11303446_10155682901570182_2129662708_na globe. I found the idea online but I made it more interesting by making the questions personal to him. Geography, science, reading, writing, spelling and role-playing (we got carried away having fun!) all thrown in to one activity.

I especially liked…. that he spelled ‘antarctic’ without looking…. that he chose a girl friend from school for the 7th question <3…. and that he wrote most of the answers himself.

150605 B Day Night World Questions

Speaking of writing…. I’m not making him to do any writing at all, for a good few months, or longer…. as long as it takes for his passion for writing to be re-ignited. If I force him now he will resent writing (even more) and resent homeschooling. He’s already developed quite a dislike for writing over the past few months. I will allow him opportunities to write, like this, but if he says he doesn’t want to that’s fine by me. He is such an enthusiastic learner, if he is passionate about learning something he will give it all he’s got. His time will come for writing. He’s always led the way with his development and learning, from potty training to moving from cot to bed, from reading to learning to swim. It is very, very clear when Buzz is ready for something. Try to push something too soon and it will backfire. Follow Buzz’s lead and he will progress at a rate of knots! Anyway, he wrote today out of choice which is great.