Home School Swim Session

Our first time at the home school swim session today. We’ve not been able to come before as under 8s need accompanying in the pool and I’m not able to do that (although I hope I’ll be well enough for the occasional swim!), but now he’s 8 here we are. 

Buzz is his happiest in water, which is one of the best things about homeschooling, he gets to swim 3 or more times a week, sometimes for a few hours at a time.





We’ve been trying out Buzz with various clubs, something he couldn’t do when he was at school because he was always so exhausted and stressed after school. It’s been really helpful to give him the opportunity to be more physically active and for him to discover his interests. We started with quite a few clubs, Capeoira being one of them, at Grupo Muzenza.

Capeoira is a Brazilian art form of fight, dance, rhythm and movement, and is a lot of fun, but we didn’t continue with it as it was too late in the day for us to manage. I thoroughly recommend it though, particularly for kids who need to let off some steam.

Capeoira Grupo Muzenza