Homeschooling With Brian Cox

Buzz loves watching science and nature programmes; he soaks it all up like there’s no tomorrow. It’s amazing how much we can both learn thanks to people like Brian Cox, Chris Packham and David Attenborough. Today we’re watching Wonders of the Universe with Brian Cox and have learned about entropy amongst other things. In our pyjamas! 

Homeschooling is made easier for us by the fact Buzz loves to learn. I feared that school may well have quashed that out of him, it seemed to be beginning to, because he wasn’t able to conform to the set way he was supposed to learn. He needs time to explore and put to the test what he learns, to talk about it, to explore it with all his senses, to enact it, otherwise it’s just skimming over the surface of him. Thankfully we have all the time he needs!

Tongue Twisters

I suggested we write a poem as Buzz always comes out with very poetic sounding phrases, but he suggested we write tongue twisters instead. Homeschooling is mostly Buzz-led so that’s what we did. Here they are. Some written by Buzz, some by me. Let us know which was the hardest to repeat over and over as we’re having a competition between us!

Ali asks Alan about antelopes and anteaters.

Busy buzzy Barnabas bakes bread beautifully.

Can cows count cantankerous crickets?

Does Darren dance delightfully?

Elephants eat elderberries early in England.

Gorgeous guineas graze on grass gratefully.

Lily lies laughing like Little Lola.

Silly Sam sings silly songs on sunny Saturdays.

Timmy titters to tiny turtles.